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Add: Chongqing,China.
Tel: 86-23-67722868
Msn: xiaolin8378[at]
Tel: 86-23-67722868
Msn: xiaolin8378[at]

Chinese Marketing Experts
Our basic principle in advertising is to seek truth, creativity, the extraordinary and the refined in order to give our clients the most successful advertising marketing plan and to grow with our clients so that both sides can be profitable. We can provide a full marketing plan, where we can help you research your market and market position, develop an advertising strategy, implement your sales plan, create, design and publish your advertisement, right up until the post- discussion of the effect of your advertisement.
In October 2006, during the construction of an advertisement on the outer wall and roof of South Korea's Altamina western restaurant, we showed creative initiative by using a carved metal plate as a large light box, which had very favourable results.
Internet Marketing

Advertising Planning

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